Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nokia: Most Apple products violate our patents

HELSINKI: Nokia says it has filed another complaint in the United States alleging that Apple infringes Nokia patents in almost all of its mobile phones, portable music players, tablets and computers.

Nokia says the seven patents in the new complaint relate to Nokia's "pioneering innovations" that Apple is using "to create key features in its products, including in multitasking operating systems, data synchronization, positioning, call quality and the use of Bluetooth accessories."

Nokia said that the complaint follows last week's decision by the United States International Trade Commission that found no violation in an earlier complaint. Nokia said it "is waiting to see the full details of the ruling before deciding on the next steps in that case."

"Our latest ITC filing means we now have 46 Nokia patents in suit against Apple, many filed more than 10 years before Apple made its first iPhone," Paul Melin, Nokia's vice president, intellectual property, said in a statement.

Legal disputes between the two technology groups are also being heard in courts in the United States, Britain, Germany and the Netherlands.


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